Monday, October 23, 2017

Call for Alumni: 25th Anniversary of the Auraria LGBTQ Student Resource Center

By Steve Willich, Director, LGBTQ Student Resource Center at Auraria

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of our Center here on campus! In 1992, Colorado citizens voted to allow discrimination against gay and lesbian citizens, which earned us the moniker of being the Hate State. There was a lot of student activism on campus around this issue, and as a result, in October of that year, our Center was founded.

Since then, the program has grown significantly, touching the lives of many LGBTQIA+ students, staff, faculty, alumni and our allies.

I would like to put together an event that recognizes and celebrates the progress that we’ve made throughout the years. As one of the oldest Centers in the United States, I think we have something pretty special to celebrate!

I would like to put together a group of alumni and friends who would be interested in helping to plan and execute a celebratory event in the spring semester. If you or anyone that you know might be interested, please email me at: I’m hoping to have a core planning group put together by the end of October.

I hope that you’ll consider joining the planning committee, and attend the event when it happens!