Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The 'It Might Be A Netflix Special' Special

Comedy specials are being bought and filmed by the buttload and one very special videographer, that loves Colorado, is bringing all his equipment to capture Denver comedy this March 14. 10 of Denver’s best comedians are busting out their best stuff, so buy your ticket and bring an adult diaper because you’ll laugh so hard you’ll soil yourself and we can’t afford those seat cleaning fees. Be a part of Denver comedy history baby! It Might be A Netflix Special features the talents of Anthony Armstrong, Nancy Norton, Derrick Stroup, Sammy Anzer and more, to be announced soon. 

“Instead of waiting for Netflix or other streaming services come to Denver, we have the chance of going straight to them. And I could only imagine it being done at the Bug, a place that’s rich with comedy history,” said Sammy Anzer, Comedian and Producer with The Comma Comedians. “I’m excited to bring what could be an incredible opportunity to 10 Denver comics (including myself.) And thrilled to help put together an amazing show for our audience.”