Showing posts with label California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label California. Show all posts

Monday, February 7, 2011

California's high court could enter Prop 8 case again

California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye said the court could decide next week whether it will weigh in on a pending federal appeal of the decision in the Proposition 8 case

The court has been asked whether Proposition 8 backers have standing to appeal the lower-court decision that struck down the measure as unconstitutional.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Does the California decision break your heart?

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision to stay Judge Walker's ruling is disappointing, but we must continue the fight to restore marriage equality to California until Proposition 8 is gone.

Ninth Circuit blocks new Calif. weddings for now

Same-sex couples planning to wed in California this week were dealt a blow Monday when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit stayed a lower court ruling overturning Proposition 8.

The ruling means the state's ban on gay and lesbian couples marrying remains in effect, at least until the court rules on an appeal of Judge Vaughn Walker's landmark decision to overturn the marriage ban. The court also put the case on a fast track and informed proponents of the ban that they must explain why they have legal standing to appeal. A Ninth Circuit panel will take up the case beginning the week of Dec. 6.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gay marriage fight returns to California

The marriage-equality spotlight soon is expected to shift once again to California, where a trial in a federal lawsuit challenging the state's Proposition 8 constitutional marriage ban is scheduled to begin on Jan. 11.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A letter from HRC's Joe Solmonese about victory in California and the big fight ahead

Same-sex couples win the right to marry in California!

Today, California's highest court ruled that denying same-sex couples the right to marry is unconstitutional, granting loving, committed gay and lesbian couples the dignity and support their relationships have so long been denied.

Two words sum up how I feel at this moment: proud and determined.

I'm proud of Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, who argued this case, and all the advocates who worked tirelessly to make this day possible. More than anything, I am proud of you and all of HRC's supporters who, rather than backing down in response to bigotry and hate, have continued this fight.

And I'm determined to make this win stick. Our right-wing opponents are using this moment to build a $10 million war chest for an amendment this November to ban same-sex marriage in California.

That's why we've set up a special fund to direct 100% of your gift today to this fight in California. Don't let them use our victory to get the upper hand.

Donate today and send your dollars straight to California to protect this victory for equality!

I would love to tell you to take a day to sit back and enjoy this momentous victory. While this win is certainly a reason to celebrate, this is not a day to rest easy.

In fact, sitting back is exactly the reaction the right-wing is hoping for. We can't afford to let them turn our success into their win.

Focus on the Family, the National Organization for Marriage and their anti-gay friends want to write discrimination into the constitution of the most populous state in our country and undo what we've achieved today.

The National Organization for Marriage's own web site is calling on their supporters to give $10 million so they can blanket the state with anti-gay messages in the coming months.

They think you'll be too busy celebrating to notice as they amass their millions. I think they're wrong.

HRC is a member of Equality for All, the coalition of groups working together to defeat the marriage ban in California. Funds raised today will go to support Equality for All's efforts.

Click here to make a gift that will go straight to California to keep discrimination out of the constitution!

This is a momentous day. Let's make sure it doesn't become a piece of history this November.

Joe Solmonese