Showing posts with label Gov. Jared Polis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gov. Jared Polis. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2022

A Message From Gov. Jared Polis Re: “Don’t Say Gay"

Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill is essentially a complete ban on lessons of LGBTQ history and discrimination.

Let’s be clear: the Nazi persecution of gays and lesbians alongside Jews and others is part of accurate history, as is the impact of historical LGBTQ+ figures from Alexander the Great to Alan Turing. The effort to erase this part of our society is deeply misguided and harmful to LGBTQ+ kids and families.

If you agree with me that this antiquated bill has no place in 21st-century America, will you please add your name to my petition opposing this bill and standing with LGBTQ+ kids, teachers, and families?

Drew, every child deserves to grow up knowing that they will have every opportunity to pursue their dreams — no matter who they are or whom they love. Kids shouldn’t ever have to feel like they must choose between succeeding in their life and living proudly as their true selves.

But legislation like the Florida bill, as well as the awful anti-trans policies we’ve seen in states like Texas, makes LGBTQ+ kids feel shame, stigma, and like they have nowhere to turn.

I will continue to call on Gov. Ron DeSantis and the other politicians pursuing these harmful policies to change course. In the meantime, here in Colorado, we will continue to make sure that all kids and families know that they are welcome here and never have to hide who they are.

Gov. Jared Polis