Showing posts with label Michael Beatty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Beatty. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2010

Things to do in Denver When You're Gay: Beware of syphilis

The Denver Element's Michael Beatty asked me to help spread the following message about syphilis so pay attention:

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has reported that a significant increase in syphilis infections has occurred among gay and bisexual men in the Denver metro area during the first six months of 2010. Most of the men who were diagnosed with syphilis had practiced behaviors that reduced the chances of transmitting HIV. However, due to the ways that syphilis is transmitted, these HIV prevention practices do not always prevent syphilis.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease.  Syphilis symptoms include sores and rashes on various parts of the body.  Frequently, men who have syphilis do not recall having any symptoms or think the symptoms they have are due to something else, like a zipper cut or an allergic rash.  If left untreated, syphilis symptoms will go away after a few weeks. Unfortunately, a man would still have syphilis and, if untreated, the infection could affect any part of his body and cause serious health complications. 

The good news is that syphilis can be prevented and is curable. Limiting the number of your sexual partners, knowing your sexual partners, inspecting sex partners for sores, or abstaining from sex are ways to lessen your chances of getting syphilis.

A simple test can help you learn if you have syphilis and need to be treated.   If you are a sexually active gay or bisexual man, it is recommended you get tested for syphilis. Places where you can be tested for syphilis or learn more about this infection include: 

•Your health care provider’s office  
•Denver Public Health (
605 Bannock St. Room 162 Denver, CO 80204
Hours of Operation:

Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri.7:45 AM to 4:00 PM
Wed. 7:45 AM to 3:00 PM

For more information on syphilis testing, please contact the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, (303) 692-2615. And for more information on how syphilis is spread, please visit:

      Friday, March 19, 2010

      Denver HIV/AIDS activist Michael Beatty named recipient of 2010 Carl Frazier Award

      The recipient of the 2010 Carl Frazier Award, Michael Beatty (left) is a Denver-based marketing and promotions professional with extensive experience in event planning and fundraising and a long history of professional and personal association with Colorado’s HIV and gay communities dating back to the early 1990s.

      The Carl Frazier Memorial Award is named for Strength In Numbers contributor Carl Frazier, who was murdered in 2008, and is awarded annually by Strength in Numbers Colorado to recognize excellence in HIV community advocacy.

      “It’s such an honor to be recognized for doing the work I love to do,” said Beatty. “This work feeds my soul and gives me reason to get up in the morning. It’s all about contributing to my community and making a difference in peoples’ lives.”

      More after the jump.

      Beatty, who has lived with HIV since 1985, was approached in 1993 by Charles Robbins, founder of Colorado’s Project Angel Heart, to become a member of the rapidly growing organization’s team. Founded in 1991 to provide nutritious meals to members of the Denver community living with HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening illnesses, Project Angel Heart now serves over 800 clients every week.

      Beatty credits Robbins with seeing in him a potential for community service that Beatty himself did not. As program director of Project Angel Heart’s Center for Living, Michael Beatty began the first steps of his professional and personal journey through the world of HIV advocacy.

      Soon after, Beatty began a 15-year association with the Colorado chapter of AIDS, Medicine, & Miracles as Director of Constituency Relations. AM&M coordinates holistic retreats and one-day programs around the country for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

      Beatty’s work in the HIV/AIDS and gay communities throughout the years has also included serving as event director for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Center of Colorado and partnerships with Gay Men’s Health Crisis, Boulder County AIDS Project, Denver PrideFest, POZ magazine, Out Front Colorado newspaper, and Shadowcliff HIV Retreat.

      “Everything I’ve done professionally has given me an opportunity to be of service to the HIV community,” said Beatty. “As a person living with HIV and as a person in recovery from cocaine since 1990 I feel that I’m alive for a reason and that reason is that there’s work for me to do.”

      It was through his work with Shadowcliff HIV Retreat that Michael Beatty met Carl Frazier. He is now proud to be the recipient of Frazier's namesake award and thrilled that the good work of the Shadowcliff HIV Retreat continues today under the leadership of Michael Dorsch and Rod Rushing.

      “The work of Shadowcliff HIV Retreat goes on and Michael and Rod have really done an amazing job of taking that work to another level,” said Beatty. “I have so much respect for them.”

      For nearly 20 years, Michael Beatty’s professional and personal philosophy has been one of contribution and service to the community, and to this day, Beatty dedicates his work to those who have lost their battle against HIV, as well as to those who continue to fight and thrive.

      “The bottom line is that it’s all about creating a life I love living by helping others create a life they can love living,” said Beatty. “I want to empower my gay brothers with the information that they are wonderful and complete and whole and deserving of the abundance that life has to offer.”