Showing posts with label SyFy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SyFy. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2009

Battlestar Galactica spin-off to feature gay characters

World's best fanboy/girl site reports that 'Battlestar Galactica' spinoff 'Caprica' will be featuring some major gay characters:

The SyFy Channel got a "failing" grade for its depiction of gay characters, and promised to do better — for one thing, there's Ming-Na's lesbian character on Stargate Universe, and her wife, played by Reiko Aylesworth. But also, it turns out one of the major characters on Caprica is gay and has a husband — and it's a "goodfella" type gangster, who's a stereotypically macho leg-breaker. (And AfterElton thinks this character is Sam Adama, Joseph's brother and Bill's uncle. Which would make sense, since Sam's spouse is named Larry.) Separately, another major Caprica character is actually in a group marriage, with both men and women. And in all these cases, the character's sexuality isn't made into a big deal, says SyFy's Mark Stern.