Showing posts with label spandex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spandex. Show all posts

Friday, August 8, 2008

Is internet stardom as simple as spandex?

The Frontier Brothers are nothing if not forward-thinking gentlemen. Take, for instance their name - implying, in a science-fiction/fantasy lexicon, their desire to climb to the next level of existence as a band. Or their music, a startlingly original blend of psychedelia, electronica, and - according to the band, space technology that make the songs "literally impossible not to dance to." But most apparently - if not most superficially - the band's preoccupation with the future reveals itself with their fashion sense, which revolves around the matching, colorful spandex bodysuits that have earned them a feature in Spin Magazine, a man-on-the-street interview with MTV's John Norris and - just in the last week, internet celebrity., compiling images for their article "Tech Zombies: 6 Technologies That Don't Know They're Dead," cropped a photo of - who else? - the Frontier Brothers themselves, in full spandex regalia, the crop basically capturing all three member's torsos down to the tops of their thighs. Upon learning of this, Brother Brett Moses sent a missive to, simply alerting them to the identity of the subjects of this crotch shot, and a link to their music. In doing so, Brett gained the band an additional set of fans in, who ran another feature, "A Psychedelic Space Rock Round-Up From The Future," thanking the band for "not suing us for running a picture of your crotches." Apparently, web traffic on the Frontier Brothers' myspace and website has been through the roof ever since.