Showing posts with label David Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Smith. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

Stonewall Fitness: Stretching It Out!

By David Smith

As an exercise professional, one of the most common things I see people doing in preparation of exercise is static stretching, which is pulling and holding your muscle in a stretch for an extended period of time. 

In the past this used to be the standard and was commonly recommended, however in the past 20 years we have come to learn that it may actually have the opposite effect. Static stretching your muscles prior to exercise and activity has not only been shown to increase your risk for injury but also may affect your performance in training or competition. Not to mention that it does absolutely nothing to actually warm you up.

Think of your muscle as a piece of taffy; if you unwrap it and try to pull it apart you’ll just break it. Instead, rub it in your hands first and slowly start to massage it. Then when you try to pull it apart, all of a sudden it’s more flexible. This is what happens to your muscle. Pulling it apart when it is stiff and tense can easily lead to pulling a muscle or even worse, tearing. Your whole muscle might separate from it’s connection point to the bone. Ouch.

Just like the average American, muscles also carry a lot of tension. The more you work, the more tension your muscles tend to carry. This can be beneficial in that the tension can help with protection from increased physical stress (protecting your bones, joints, blood vessels, organs) as well as in aiding in your performance by giving you a literal “spring” in your step. This is known as elasticity and, like a slingshot, when you contract your muscle it’ll tend to “snap” back into its starting point. With static stretching prior to exercise, you are effectively reducing this amount of tension and elasticity from your muscles and decreasing your overall performance during your training or competition. (But do be careful of too much tension, which can lead to cramping and spasm.)

When I say that static stretching does absolutely nothing for warm up, I mean it. You’re not actively moving your body or engaging the muscle in any way, therefore heat is not being produced and your body isn’t really working at an increased level. The muscle itself is not being utilized and is not being prepared for the increased stress of exercise. A racecar driver isn’t going to shift his car into neutral and push it around the track to warm it up and you shouldn’t do that to your body.

Stretching is good for warm up (I am sure you’re confused now) but I am referring to dynamic stretching. With dynamic stretching you are not passively pulling on your muscle however you are starting to engage your muscles in a low impact fashion that you are pushing your range of motion further each time. For example; swinging your arms back and forth or up and down, kicking your legs out in front or behind, or doing some torso twists. This way you are not only engaging the muscle but you are actively producing heat (essentially you are warming it up) and still maintaining tension on the muscle for exercise.

That’s not to say that static stretching itself doesn’t have a place either. Static stretching has consistently been shown to increase flexibility and have a crucial role in helping reduce tension as well as have it’s place within rehab and injury prevention. The ideal time to static stretch is following a cool down after your workout. Your muscles are already warm and tense, it’s the best time to really focus on breathing long and slow, taking the opportunity to relax and release that tension you still hold on your body. Each stretch should be pushed right until you feel a slight discomfort in the muscle and be held for no less than 30 seconds. You can push the stretch a little more as you relax, but don’t push it too far.

Chronic injuries and bad posture are often attributed to lack of strength or tension from certain muscle groups but could also be caused by too much tension from other muscle groups. Back pain, for example, may be caused by too much tension in the abdominals, chest and hip flexor muscles in addition to lack of strength from the back muscles. It is important that you work on stretching out the opposing muscle groups you are strengthening as well to have an important balance for your muscles.

Stretching itself can be considered a workout as well when done properly. Yoga is a very popular and very effective form of stretching that has been shown to burn substantial amount of calories as well as increase flexibility, balance and core strength. 

Photo courtesy of Denver Downward Dog
Overall stretching is an important factor in physical fitness and plays a key role in increasing flexibility and reducing overall tension and stress. It is important to include dynamic and static stretching into your exercise routine to not only help reduce injury but also stress and inflammation.

David Smith is the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver and holds several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stonewall Fitness: Exercise and Sex!

By David Smith

People who exercise 3-5 times a week at 60 minutes a day have increased sex drive, more variety and passion as well as more reliable “equipment.”

It is no secret how great sex can be and how getting some on a regular basis is beneficial to your overall health. Exercise greatly contributes to your overall health and very much to your sexual health--physically and mentally! Consistent exercise not only helps to increase your stamina, strength and power but your blood flow throughout your body, which for men can certainly attribute to an increase in size as well. This helps you to last longer and go harder but it also helps to increase testosterone levels, which really drives a lot of the passion and overall primal instinct in sex that can lead not only to a wide variety of different things but really make it explode in the end.

Photo by Robet A. Rice Photography. Click here to see unedited (but not full-frontal) version here.
The effects of exercise on your mind is a key role too, people who exercise tend to exhibit more confidence and have a higher self esteem. They walk with their heads up and often have a more friendly approach toward people. These people are comfortable in their own skin and really are in touch with their bodies. They know what they like and they feel good about it. This greatly attributes to your performance in bed, if you are confident and passionate in your own sexual pleasure and feeling good about your body, your partner(s) will certainly feel the result of this as well. Having this kind of confidence not only helps you to be better in bed. It also makes it easier for you to attract the kind of people find attractive. Those who are popular tend to be confident with themselves. They feel good with who they are, comfortable in their own skin and tend to exhibit that onto others. It’s contagious! Confidence can take you very far in your life and can really lead to some hot sex. Being comfortable within your own body to have the guts to put yourself out there, flaunt what you got and just enjoy all that life has to offer.

With exercise your sex drive will significantly increase, this is due to all the elevated hormone levels within your body and again feeling confident and good about yourself. Along with all that sweat your no doubt sweating out, those pheromones along with your hot body and gleaming self-confidence will be turning heads in no time!

Many people have many goals and reasons for exercising, it’s okay to be a bit selfish and do it for you! Weight loss, confidence, strength gains and increase sex drive are just a few of the wonderful side effects to a consistent and engaging workout program. You are much more likely to be successful in all aspects of your life but you have to work for it, or as they say “go out and get it.”

Live Strong “Effects of Exercise on Sex Drive” Jacobs, O May 4th 2011

Archives of Sexual Behavior; JR White et al; June 1990

Journal of Sexual Medicine; "The Roles of Testosterone and Alpha-Amylase in Exercise-Induced Sexual Arousal in Women"; L. Dawn et al; April 2008

"Journal of Sexual Medicine"; The impact of body awareness on sexual arousal in women with sexual dysfunction"; B.N. Seal and C.M. Meston; July 2007

David Smith is the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver and holds several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.

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Friday, June 28, 2013

MileHighGayGuys Discuss DOMA and Marriage Equality: David Smith

"One of the more exciting things in our progress and march for equality has happened this week with the Supreme Court ruling DOMA unconstitutional and striking down the appeal for Prop 8. Of course with the excitement of marriage being more equal; people want to get married! The problem many people are facing is that they don’t have someone they can get married to.

One of the key things I have learned in my quest in exercise and fitness is how internal beauty is reflected on the outside. You will often hear the same old story, “I don’t judge people based on looks,” or “Beauty is on the inside.” While it is true that beauty is on the inside, that doesn’t mean that you necessarily have it. I have seen way too many people in the community who constantly seek a companion, like they can’t live without one. A relationship ends, and two days later, another one begins. A week later they are in love and a week after that the relationship ends. However, when I look at what these people do together and apart, it equates to nothing more than cuddling and going out to bars. To me, that’s just not enough, it’s boring and it lacks substance.

Quite the opposite can occur when one might be so fixated on looks and aesthetics that they spend all their time at the gym and eat a practically anorexic diet to have the perfect body, yet when you talk to them they have absolutely nothing to say. Again, no substance and the conversation ends up nowhere.

We are all human and we all judge. Despite what people might say, EVERYBODY will judge people based on their looks--some of it is positive, some of it is negative--and there’s nothing wrong with that. As they say, first impressions are most important, how you appear and how you initially speak. It helps us decide who we might be most compatible with and attracted to. If you don’t take care of yourself in a healthy way you will have a hard time attracting someone. How can you attract someone? By taking control of your physical and mental health, doing things you enjoy, training hard for your goals and having fun! People who exercise and enjoy what they’re doing tend to have higher self-esteem, confidence, and are overall happier people. This is easily seen in the way they walk, talk and carry on throughout their day. Attitudes are contagious! Those who are happy and confident tend to be surrounded by happy and confident people whereas those who are sad, depressed and expect pity parties tend to be surrounded similar people.

Your body is a reflection of your mind and soul. When you take care of yourself it shows in your posture, your facial expressions, the way you interact with people, and in the attitude you have throughout your day. In addition to how it can make the body look, consistent exercise can also increase strength and stamina, raise energy levels, elevate your mood, increase confidence, give you a better attitude, and most important, help foster a  positive self-image. Those are all potential side effects of pursuing a healthy lifestyle and people tend to be surrounded by people like themselves, in this case, happy, healthy, good-looking people. Oftentimes those who look down and judge are merely exhibiting a reflection of themselves, not of the person they’re talking about. I personally don’t want to be around people who are negative like that. Negativity is irrelevant, in the end what does it matter? I mean, who cares? Someone who lives life where the sun doesn’t shine has no effect on my life, regardless of what their opinion of me is I will keep doing what I love.

In the end it’s all about personal responsibility. If you think “Oh, it’s because of him," chances are it’s really because of you yourself. Be willing to step back and look at yourself from a critical perspective and realize that everybody, including yourself, makes mistakes. You don't want to end up like Taylor Swift, writing bitter songs about your hundreds of exes. None of us are perfect. I don’t want to be perfect. Perfect is what the gym bunny with the super ripped abs is trying to be. In the end all the negativity is irrelevant. You are who you are and that’s all that matters, let your true self shine and do the things you want to do. Go out and have fun, work hard and let yourself enjoy all that the world has to offer. When you do that,  all the “extra” stuff will just happen naturally and you’ll find yourself in the company of great people."

MileHighGayGuy Advertiser Shout Out: Stonewall Fitness

David Smith, the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver, several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.

Smith specializes in exercise, nutrition and wellness programs for the GLBT community and leads a variety of different programs, including group fitness classes, personal training, athletic conditioning programs, educational seminars and workshops. His passion lies in promoting the physical, mental and social benefits of exercise and healthy diet to the community by breaking down the barriers often associated with a healthy lifestyle to make it accessible for everybody.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Stonewall Fitness, Specializing in Fitness and Wellness Programs for the GLBT Community

David Smith, the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver, several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.

Smith specializes in exercise, nutrition and wellness programs for the GLBT community and leads a variety of different programs, including group fitness classes, personal training, athletic conditioning programs, educational seminars and workshops. His passion lies in promoting the physical, mental and social benefits of exercise and healthy diet to the community by breaking down the barriers often associated with a healthy lifestyle to make it accessible for everybody.

Friday, June 14, 2013

MileHighGayGuy Business Profile: Stonewall Fitness

David Smith, the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver, several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.

Smith specializes in exercise, nutrition and wellness programs for the GLBT community and leads a variety of different programs, including group fitness classes, personal training, athletic conditioning programs, educational seminars and workshops. His passion lies in promoting the physical, mental and social benefits of exercise and healthy diet to the community by breaking down the barriers often associated with a healthy lifestyle to make it accessible for everybody.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Stonewall Fitness: Traveling Tips for Staying Healthy and Fit!

By David Smith

Now that summer is here vacations and travel are happening every day! Whether you find yourself traveling for business or pleasure, it’s important to remember that even on vacation, your body still needs a consistent routine of exercise and healthy food. No matter if you are flying or driving, there are many ways to stay consistent with your exercise program and even have a little flexibility to enjoy yourself and have fun in your new environment!

Here are some tips and tricks to keep from falling behind on your fitness and wellness journey:

Pack food
Whether you are flying or driving, pack some healthy snacks including fruits, veggies, nuts or even sandwiches and such to keep you fed. If you are flying, food can be taken through security and will save you from having to buy expensive airport/airplane food. If you’re driving, pack for the day and have a picnic at a rest stop, park or wherever that is a great opportunity to get out of the car and enjoy the moment.

Incorporate your fitness routine into your new surroundings. 
For example, if you’re a runner, you can explore the area while going for a run. You could do a running tour of the local landmarks. Whatever your routine is, use it as a new opportunity to explore the area.

Find a local sports team or workout group to train with during your visit. 
Check out local LGBT sports teams, rec centers and gyms to see if they offer opportunities for drop-in workouts. This is a great opportunity to mix up your routine, learn something new, meet new people and get explore the area.

Avoid “people movers” and walk! 
Traveling through the airport--or wherever you may be--there are moving walkways, escalators, elevators and other devices to make it easier for people to get to their destination. Since you will be sitting for extended periods of time, take all the opportunities you can to stay moving. If possible, take the stairs and walk down the concourse. It may seem like a long walk (especially with luggage) but you’ll certainly feel better when you make it to the gate and you’ll burn an extra 100-300 calories!

Get out and move. 
On road trips you’ll be spending a lot of time in a car and this can really take a toll on the body. Every time you stop to take a pee break, take 10-30 minutes and do a short workout. Even at a rest stop there is plenty of space to do some basic exercises to get your heart rate up and muscles moving. This will also help keep you more alert and less likely to drift off to sleep while driving. Wear workout clothes while driving so you can hop out and do a workout without too much hassle.

Drink water! 
Take an empty water bottle with you through security and fill it up after you pass through. You should constantly be drinking water to keep yourself hydrated. Yes, this will make you pee more often but is also a good opportunity to get up and move around a little bit.

Buy locally grown food and prepare it yourself. 
It’s very easy to go and eat out while on a trip but restaurant food is notoriously unhealthy. Check into your area and see if there are any local farmers markets or events and even chat with some of the locals about the food. There are many opportunities to try the local cuisine without consuming too much unhealthy food or spending a lot of money. Ask the locals about their favorite restaurants, you may find something off the beaten path that is much cheaper, healthier and tasty.

Partake in local activities. 
You don’t always have to hit up all the tourist destinations. It’s good to relax and have no agenda or schedule for the day. Take the opportunity to explore; you can walk, rent a bike or even roller skate. You can go swimming at the beach, enjoy hiking, yoga in the park or whatever you might come across while you’re exploring. This is a great way to relax, reduce stress and really have a good time while burning a few calories (without even realizing it!)
Don’t sit around just because everybody else is. 
Remember you are exercising for yourself; most people are just sitting around eating fast food and waiting. That is a perfect time for you to do some exercises, you may turn a few heads at first but eventually they will just return to their French fries. If anything, the people who are noticing you are more impressed in your confidence and passion to succeed.

Talk to a trainer! 
Personal trainers are here to help you succeed in your own fitness goals and will be more than happy help you design a workout around your schedule, lifestyle and goals. Let your trainer know you are planning to take a trip and ask about exercises you can do while you’re traveling that’ll help you succeed!

David Smith is the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver and holds several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Health and Fitness: Hump Day!

By David Smith

Wednesdays are traditionally known as “Hump Day” because it’s the middle of the week and once you get over that “hump” it’s all downhill to Friday. Everybody knows that but my favorite way to celebrate hump day isn’t for the downhill slope to Friday. It’s for HUMPING!!

A lot of people have said that swimmers make the best f**kers and as a swimmer I can tell you this is certainly true. The mechanics of swimming, especially the butterfly and breaststroke are very similar to that of humping. Now sex itself is a fantastic workout and if you get really into it you can burn up to 500 calories an hour. However many people don’t quite have the strength or endurance to last that long and thus the sex doesn’t last that long. It probably isn’t very good either.

Is this you? I am sure you are wondering then what you can do! No Viagra won’t help, that’ll just give you a boner for a few hours but if you can’t do anything with the boner than what’s the point? There are a lot of really good exercises and workouts you can do to get better strength, stamina, power and endurance!

The basics are you’ll really want to strengthen and work the muscle groups you would be using. This includes your hamstrings, gluteal muscles (your butt!) as well as your back/core muscles. The core is important for sex because you’ll be using quite of it during, to help you stay balanced, erect (not the kind Viagra helps with) and to really provide that extra little push at the right moment! Now we’re not talking about lifting heavy weights or trying to become buff here. Good sex goes on for a long time so you want to train your body to go for a long time without getting tired! Engaging multiple muscle groups in all types of contractions, concentrically (shortening of muscle), eccentrically (lengthening of muscle) and isometrically (holding position) is important since you do all of it during sex!

Don’t forget about power to! When you get really heated your animal instincts take over and things can get crazy, might break a lamp or put in a hole in the wall! Power-based training combined with endurance training is perfect. Doing an endurance set during rest periods on your power set and you can really become well conditioned as well increase your stamina for all that fun!!

So what are some exercises you can do?
Like I said, swimmers have the best sex! In swimming you are doing a series of pelvic thrusts and powerful movements for extended periods of time. Depends on the stroke of course but especially on the butterfly and breaststrokes (and with the breaststroke you can also practice stroking your breasts!) you can really increase your stamina and endurance with all that power at the same time!

Pelvic Thrust!
This one is perfect as it strengthens your hamstrings and glutes! Start with lying on your back (giggle) with your knees up (but not open, don’t be a whore!) and feet flat. Press your shoulders into the floor and lift your hips up toward the ceiling so you are creating a straight line from the knees to your shoulders with your body. Thrust that baby up and down for at least 2 sets of 20! For an extra count of endurance, try holding the pose for 30-60 seconds at a time!
Like I said, the start of a hot pounding means you having a strong butt; squats are a fantastic exercise to not only train for endurance, but power and isometrically. With squats simply have your legs about 2 shoulder widths apart and bend all the way down like your trying to sit in a chair [or onto something else ;-)] Sit back into your butt and keep your back straight, go down past your knees! You can hold this in a down position (isometric) for 30-60 seconds at a time. Pulse it up and down (endurance) for 3-4 sets of 20-30 reps, or add a hop/ explosion off the ground for power with 3-4 sets of 8-12. 

Pike Ups!
For this one you’ll need to grab some balls (okay just one) or strap on a suspension trainer (TRX). From there you will rest your legs on the ball (or feet in the straps) and hold a plank. Keeping your legs straight you will bring your knees to your chest by raising your butt to the sky. Essentially forming a pike, and then bring it back down to a plank. This is a very challenging and engaging exercise for your core and especially your glutes! I recommended doing 3-4 sets of as many as you can!

Ever read the Karma Sutra? Practicing Yoga is not only a fantastic way to increase your flexibility but your isometric endurance (holding poses) and can really help you learn some fun and hot tricks that definitely translate to the bedroom, nothing like a few extra things for an encore!

These are all great exercises to add to your routine to help celebrate your hump day and really increase your stamina, endurance and performance for when it really counts!

David Smith is the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver and holds several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Being a Gay Athlete in a Straight World

By David Smith

There has been a lot of discussion recently about the status of gay athletes in professional sports and I've been hearing both sides of the debate about whether or not a gay athlete would be accepted in a male-dominated team sport--whether it’s hockey, basketball, baseball or football. 

A lot of the issues that plague professional gay athletes are also issues for the rest of us--take locker room etiquette, for example. As an athlete myself, having competed in the amateur and collegiate levels of sport, my experience has definitely been varied. For instance, I swim with the local GLBT swim team here in Denver and, as a Master’s swim team, we compete at various meets and competitions both locally and nationally, gay-oriented and not. Throughout my time in competitions I have overheard or have directly been involved with individuals and people who exhibit homophobia, usually in the form of comments about “the gay team” or something along those lines. For the homophobic individuals in the competition, my sexual orientation may affect their competition, but it doesn’t affect mine because I just remind myself that I am here as an athlete. My sexual orientation has nothing to do with my participation in sport.

But in the world of collegiate swimming, it took time for me to deal with fears about how my teammates might react--in the locker room, with hotel room assignments during trips, even simple interactions outside of the pool and team social events. How would I fit in? It took me a little time to really come out but in that time my teammates got to know me as a swimmer, college student and person. Initially, the reaction to my coming out was surprise, mostly because I didn’t quite fit into some of their preconceived stereotypes. And my initial fears about how my teammates would react were completely unfounded. They realized that I was still the same person I was before, gay or straight. As time went on and the season continued, I found that my teammates made more of an effort to abstain from homophobic language, like saying "that’s gay." They put forth an effort to make me feel accepted and part of the team. It was something I wasn’t expecting and it made me feel more comfortable and more a part of the team. And it helped me realize that my sexual orientation had no effect on my training or performance as an athlete. We were all there for the same reason, to swim.

I continue to participate and compete in a variety of--sports, swimming, running and triathlon. And while my sexual orientation doesn’t define me as an athlete, it still contributes to my overall approach to wellness and is an important reminder that sport is diverse. People from every single walk of life can participate in one way or another but it’s too often easy to forget the level of diversity and the acceptance associated. Seeing professional sports on TV is a constant reminder that the diversity people recognize is most often external. During my most recent triathlon, I had a small rainbow flag attached to the seat of my bicycle and rode proud throughout the 56 miles, not necessarily to make a statement or some kind of political gesture, but to remind my fellow athletes that an athlete can be anybody, come from anywhere. Sport is just as diverse as our community, it is not external by any means, all that matters is how much effort did you put into it, that you finished strong and gave it your all.

Now I realize that my old fears and apprehensions were more personal than anything. Although there has been some negative responses to my being a gay athlete, I have found that such interactions have not been any more or less than you would otherwise experience anywhere else. Our own stigmas and fears are what prohibit us from partaking fully in events and allowing us to truly be who we are. With the recent coming out of Jason Collins, it's time we realize that the sporting community can be much more accepting than one might realize. While there is definite cause for caution and hesitation, it seems to me that, in the end most people are more concerned about your success and accomplishments as an athlete, and less concerned about your sexuality. 

David Smith is the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver and holds several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I Don’t Give a Sh*t, I Just Want To Look Better Naked

By David Smith

It is certainly no secret that a lot of gay men workout at the gym for one of two reasons. Number one is to tone up and look hot--have that perfect body for the bars, online or wherever. Number two is to check out all the other hot men at the gym.

With this society’s ever-increasing waistlines, the constant emphasis on superficial appearances only serves to put unrealistic expectations on appearances and actions, making it difficult for anybody who doesn’t necessarily fit that image to want to participate. It’s discouraging, especially when you feel like you're working hard to be someone you’re not.

These superficial reasons are not just limited to the gay community, but at times it seems more emphasized. Your goals, passions and motivations are very much a reflection of who you are as a person and nobody is perfect. That is all part of the human experience, people are judgmental by nature and at any moment someone is probably judging you. Putting so much stress on what other people think is one of the most common barriers that’ll stop you from stepping outside your comfort zone and taking the first step.

Who cares? Really, who cares? By being so focused on your appearances for the sake of others, it’s easy to forget about yourself. Quality of life, living in the moment and happiness are much better qualities than superficial appearances and trying to be someone you're not.

Your exercise program and eating habits are a reflection of your commitment to your physical and mental health, they need to represent what you truly want to accomplish. The defined muscles, weight loss, and nice body are nothing more then side effects. As you strive toward your goals you will find increased levels of energy, self-confidence, happiness and an unmistakable glow that will radiate out to the world around you. There is as much beauty on the inside as there is on the outside but if you don’t let strive to be happy, confident and free with yourself that beauty will never be seen.

The judgment of others can either define you or compliment you, in the definition you let others essentially control your life, their opinions of you often dictate your actions and whether or not you move forward in life. In compliment you can take the judgment of others, whether it’s good or bad and use it to motivate you, grow, learn and become a stronger person. As they say, let your haters be your motivators!

There will always be beef heads and gym bunnies, everybody is there for the same reason and your presence does not affect their goals and they shouldn’t affect yours. All those people you are afraid will be judging you, well they actually just don’t care. True strength is measured in your own will; walk into the gym with the confidence that you will walk out having pushed yourself to the limit, leaving the gym better as a person than when you walked in.

David Smith is the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver and holds several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Meet the MileHighGayGuy Bloggers: David Smith

David Smith is an exercise professional and specializes in exercise, nutrition and wellness programs for the GLBT community.

His passion lies in promoting the physical, mental and social benefits of exercise and healthy diet to the community by breaking down the stigmas and barriers often associated with exercise and fitness to make it accessible for everybody regardless of anything. David does not spend all his time at the gym but chooses instead to go out into the world and find fitness opportunities in our everyday surroundings. Constantly learning and engaging with the community to better help realize that we all have potential within and are capable of accomplishing amazing things. David leads a variety of different
programs, including group fitness classes, personal training, athletic conditioning programs, educational seminars and workshops.

In his personal endeavors, He is also an active athlete having competed in swimming, taekwondo, triathlon and running events.

Highlights of his athletic career include winning 6 medals and setting a meet record at the 2010 Gay Games in swimming. Competing on the National Collegiate level in taekwondo and swimming, training to compete in his first full Ironman, having completed several half Ironmans and finishing his first Marathon. David currently swims with the Denver Squid Swim Team and is training for the 2014 Gay Games as well.

He is the owner of Stonewall Fitness, holds a degree in exercise science from Metropolitan State University of Denver and holds several fitness certifications including ACSM Personal Trainer and Group Fitness.