Showing posts with label Gay List Daily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay List Daily. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2010

Books: Stuff That Makes A Gay Heart Weep

Freeman Hall, author of 'Stuff That Makes a Gay Heart Weep', has a huge gay heart and has waited his whole life to sound off on the stuff that makes it weep. Author of an acclaimed memoir of his experiences toiling in Retail Hell, he now spends his days running four popular blogs and dogwalking his neighbor's adorable canines.

In this laugh-out-loud guide to the dislikes of millions, the author invites you to kick back, pour yourself a Ketel One on the rocks, and get lost in the bitchiest bitch-fest west of the West Village and this side of the Castro. - via Gay List Daily

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Gay List Daily Giveaway: The Cinema Pride Collection

The good people at Gay List Daily are giving away a free copy of the fabulous Cinema Pride Collection, available on starting today.

Just email them via their Contact Us page for your chance to win. Be sure to include your mailing address on the form and fill it out by Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. to be eligible. Gay List Daily will contact winners by the end of the week and post the names on their Facebook page.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gay List Daily talks gay manners with Steven Petrow

Men of Manners
Etiquette expert Steven Petrow guides us through summer with grace

by Gay List Daily

We’d like to say that we’re Grace under fire, but judging from the flames Pride season lures from us, we’re more like Jack, or Karen. How to navigate the social terrain within a community that’s still on its societal training isn’t always obvious. Thankfully we have etiquette expert Steven Petrow (pictured) to take our hands, one manicure at a time, and guide us through those pesky situations summer poses to the GLBT.

Gay List Daily: For a culture and community that arguably wants to stick out, what would you say to convince them that etiquette matters?
Steven Petrow: Unfortunately, when most of us – gay or straight – think about etiquette, we worry about which fork to use. Will the civilized world end if we use the wrong one? Hardly. But the reason I think etiquette does matter to LGBT people is because of the many new situations we’re facing as we’re more out in the world. For instance, if you have two moms and a sperm donor, what do we call them? If you’re persona non grata to your partner’s family, how do you deal with the homophobia? There are literally thousands of new situations in my upcoming book.

GLD: For summertime parties hosted by folks who haven’t specified items to bring for the event, what’s polite to show up with in hand?
SP: If you’ve been invited for dinner, it’s a swell idea to call or email your host and ask what you can contribute. If they don’t have any suggestions, here’s a trusty list that should work for the most finicky host:

* A nice bottle of wine
* A pair of beeswax candles
* A small box of artisan chocolates
* An orchid or other potted plant (stay away from cut flowers because you’ll force your host to run around to find a vase at the same time he’s making cocktails and serving hors d’oeuvres)
* Your favorite book or CD of the month

GLD: It’s not unusual to start drinking at breakfast during Pride. How can friends let other friends politely know they should start slowing down?
SP: Good question, especially with the high incidence of alcoholism in our community and the long day that turns into night on Pride. But this is a touchy subject. I’d start by asking a question like, “Don’t you think you’ve had enough Bloody Mary’s for breakfast?” But, remember it’s your tone that really matters: No judgments or accusations. If it really gets out of hand, then you need to cut your friend off, privately and without embarrassing him.

GLD: June is also the unofficial start of wedding season. I’ve heard different ideas of what is the proper way to congratulate a bride-to-be. What would you say?
SP: Let’s run through what the traditionalists would tell us: You say “best wishes” to a bride and “congratulations” to a groom. I don’t think people in our community care about that distinction – or that it matters. I’d say whatever you genuinely feel: Anything from “Mazel tov!” to “I’m so glad you have the right to marry [in this state].”

GLD: For summer events like weddings, there might be instances when guests will be uncomfortable with same-sex dates. How do we act when fellow revelers take obvious, offended issue with who we are?
SP: Quite frankly, if guests have a problem with a same-sex couple at an event that’s their issue. For instance, if they make a homophobic slur, I’d bring it to the attention of the host (who is responsible for the well-being of all her guests). Of course, I’d do this after sending them either dagger eyes or saying directly: “That’s really offensive.”

GLD: In a hypothetical scenario, I’ve been invited to a friend from college’s wedding. I wasn’t out in college and bringing my partner of a few years would let the cat queen out of the bag. How do I not take away from his wedding day with the revelation?
SP: Unless your male partner is more beautiful than the bride-to-be, it will be hard to outshine her on her big day. Ok, just kidding. But since you’re not out to your college friend, I’d write a small note along with your RSVP telling him (and her) how excited you (and yours) are about celebrating with them. Then, just make sure that you let the girls catch the bouquet.

Steven Petrow is the author of “The Essential Book Of Gay Manners And Etiquette,” and regularly contributes to The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, Yahoo! and Shine. Also look for the upcoming book, “Steven Petrow’s Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners: LGBT Advice For Dating, Sex, Coming Out, Marriage And All The Rest,” out soon from Workman Publishing.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Guilt-free turkey?

Love turkey but want to be a cruelty-free carnivore? The good folks of Gay List Daily would like to bring your attention to Good Shepherd Poultry Farms:

Good Shepherd Poultry Farms are here to help lessen our guilt while providing a sumptuously devilish holiday meal.

Turkeys from the renowned poultry farms are raised on outdoor ranges, bred naturally, fed only with vegetarian feed with top-notch animal welfare standards.

Moreover, the heritage breed of turkeys the Good Shepherd network raises are considered endangered, and supporting these environmentally-friendly farms actually aids the conservation of these dwindling bird populations.

If that wasn’t enough irony for you, the Animal Welfare Institute has approved Good Shepherd’s network of free-range farms with a special certification.

The turkeys are pretty pricey - $119 for an 8-10 lb. bird - but good karma is worth it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Stuff to Buy: Credit Card Case from Casemate

The guys over at Gay List Daily have featured this sweet little item and I think I'm going to have to get me one. I've always got my pockets crammed full of various and sundry detritus and anything that can help cut the clutter will be very welcome.

Here's what they have to say about the Credit Card Case from Casemate:

When going to the club, we like as little in our back pockets as possible so that our assets shine through. We’ve dwindled what we take with us on a night out to our ID, credit card and a few business cards, but even then, the square shapes displayed in bas-relief across our taut booties won’t do; instead, we’re downsizing with the Credit Card Case from Casemate. Sleek and sophisticated, Casemate’s inventive iPhone case keeps all our necessities together so that our mom-given goods can pop. But there’s one caveat: we’re not so good at math, but if you’re prone to misplacing phones or wallets, we think this case might double your chances of losing both. As long as it’s the only risk involved with this fashionable form of protection, we’re happy to wrap it up!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Deployment: Gays in the military ... and in Las Vegas!

Gay List Daily reports that Deployment - an annual event bringing together gay servicemembers and their admirers - is coming to Las Vegas the weekend of October 9-11 and will be offering up a decadent roster of dance parties, pool parties, BBQs, and lots more for men in - and out - of uniform.

Sounds fun.

*Update: The event has been cancelled due to low sales.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Gay List Daily reviews Julie and Julia

The guys over at Gay List Daily have tasted 'Julie & Julia' and find it delicious:

Breaking news: Nora Ephron redeems herself! You heard it here first. After thoroughly butchering Bewitched, we bitched. Yet in spite of the treasonous act of tarnishing the childhood memories of a million gay men, the director is back.

Just don’t screw it up again, Ephie!

By combining Julia Child’s memoir, My Life in France with Julie Powell’s blog-turned-book Julie & Julia, Ephron has gone all Rodriguez-Tarantino on us and given us a delightful double-feature, only this time they’re rolled into one film.

One story follows Julia (Meryl Streep) through the late 1940s through the early1960s. The other focuses on unfulfilled Queens’ housewife Julie circa 2002 (Amy Adams), who decides to make every recipe in Julia Child’s famous cookbook over the course of a single year. Julie’s trials and tribulations are entertaining and inspiring for anyone dreaming of accidental success, but her saga’s nothing compared to the journey of our dear Mrs. Child.

No surprise here, but Streep embodies Julia like no other actress could. Her spot-on accent and mannerisms are joyous to watch and it appears that Streep is having the time of her life portraying the larger-than-life cooking school rebel/cookbook author. Despite a rather privileged existence with her diplomat husband (Stanley Tucci), she’s still quite the underdog in France and through perseverance she changes the world: one stick of butter at a time.

A big highlight for us is LOL-lesbian Jane Lynch as Julia’s awkward sister. She’s a scene-stealer in every production she’s ever in, even up against the likes of Mighty Meryl.

The ending feels rather abrupt and leaves us wanting to delve further into Child’s career and life, though Julie’s story has a satisfying conclusion. But desiring more of a movie is like wanting a second helping of Beef Bourguignon. It means the recipe was just right.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jackie Warner’s tips for staying fit while on holiday

1.) Substitute.
Choose soda water in lieu of juice-based and blended drinks. Juice has lots of sugar and empty calories. If you are planning on drinking cocktails, stick to vodka instead of rum, and avoid margaritas whenever possible. Margaritas may be fun but they are loaded with calories! Treat yourself to a vodka-based mojito instead; make sure you ask your bartender to make it sugar free. For those with a sweet tooth, Splenda can be substituted in place of sugar. It tastes just as great and won’t kill your waistline.

2.) Do as the natives do.
Eat plenty of native meats, fruits and vegetables, especially for you island travelers. Meats are usually spiced very well and thus not cooked in heavy oils and butter to compensate for taste; so, they are usually great low calorie meals. I always tell my clients to eat “the Good, the Bad and the Ugly” in that order on their plate. Classify foods on the plate in one of those categories and fill up accordingly. For example, “the Good” are vegetables and proteins and “the Bad” are starches like rice, potatoes or breads. “The Ugly” is obviously dessert and alcohol. The point is to fill up on the good so you won’t stuff yourself with poor choices.

3.) Exercise!
Just because you are on vacation doesn’t mean you have an excuse to avoid working out. Before you book travel reservations, call ahead and see if the hotel has onsite fitness facilities. If the gym isn’t your thing, make sure to plan lots of outdoor activities like water sports and hiking. Snorkeling is an excellent and fun way to burn a lot of calories.

4.) Swim, swim, swim.
Swimming is fantastic exercise, but there are added bonuses. Anytime you are in the water and the sun, you get a thermogenic affect which speeds up the metabolism. The extra Vitamin D from the sun also has a rejuvenating affect on the muscles and organs, including the skin. Make sure to always wear lots of sunscreen with the proper SPF!

5.) Have lots of romance!
Intimacy is not only great for the relationship, but it’s fantastic exercise...You can burn up to 500 calories an hour!

Look out for Jackie Warner’s second DVD “Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training,” out this December. - via Gay List Daily

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

An interview with Little Boots

Gay List Daily interviews Little Boots:

Little Boots is too big to be held back by the pond. Fresh off her win in the 2009 BBC Sound of Music poll and the release of her critically-acclaimed European debut, Hands, the British electropop artist is prepared to take over the world. Considering America is goo-goo for Lady Gaga (to whom Little Boots is often compared), the quirky export should have no problem making a splash, especially in the LGBT community. Like Ellis Island, us gays are the first to intercept gorgeous international pop sensations, and knowing this, Little Boots took a moment out of her busy summer-festival schedule to chat with Gay List Daily about her upcoming North American mini-tour, Prop 8, drag queens, and the quirky instruments that help her stick out of the female electropop crowd.

Gay List Daily: Congratulations on Hands! It will surely top every critic’s list of 2009. Has it all been a whirlwind for you?
Little Boots: Yeah, I think I’m kind of in the eye of the storm, so I don't really notice, I just keep going! But I’m relieved its out and I can finally get on with doing what I do.

GLD: You wrote and intended ‘Stuck on Repeat’ for Kylie Minogue to sing. Does that mean you didn’t expect the success you’ve achieved as your own artist?
LB: It was just at the back of my mind. It was never anything official… I was just listening to 'Can't Get You Out of my Head' a lot. I didn't really know what my own expectations were I just kept doing what felt right.

GLD: So now that the gays know you’re a Kylie fan, what other female artists inspire you?
LB: Kate Bush, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Joni Mitchell, Girls Aloud; just good pop songs, but it helps if they're interesting too!

Lots more after the jump.

GLD: Do you ever tire of being compared to Lady Gaga or Ladyhawke?
LB: Nah. It’s worse for them than it is for me. At least I don't have “lady” in front of my name!

GLD: Your choice of instruments is absolutely fascinating. How did you come to use the Tenori-on?
LB: It was in a studio I was working in. I borrowed it and quickly became fascinated. It just kept going from there…

GLD: Speaking of your musical prowess, you have a celebrated history in jazz. Any chance the genre might make more of an appearance in future Little Boots tracks?
LB: [laughs] I hope now!

GLD: What goes through your mind when you’re collaborating with electronic music icons like Joe Goddard (Hot Chip), Jas Shaw (Simian Mobile Disco) and Phil Oakey (Human League)?
LB: It’s just a real honor to work with so many talented people who take my opinion seriously. I’m very grateful and they are all inspiring in different ways.

GLD: You spent time in California to record your album. What are your thoughts on Prop 8 continuing to make marriage equality for gays illegal?
LB: Of course gay marriage should be legal – it’s ridiculous that it isn't. If two people love each other and want to make that official, what on earth is anyone's problem? It’s a beautiful thing! I don't understand laws sometimes.

GLD: You already know you have a loyal gay fan base, so it’s only a matter of time before us queens start doing our best Little Boots in drag. Any tips for future Little Boots drag impersonators?
LB: [laughs] That would be incredible! I'd love it! Well, lots of sequins and crystal, silver or gold eye shadow, anything a bit space age. I did Barbarella for G-A-Y performance recently in London…

GLD: You’ve played shows across the US before, but what are you most looking forward to on your upcoming US Illuminations tour?
LB: I always love New York, so that will be great. Plus [I look forward to] coming back to LA to see all my friends. I’m also excited to go to places I haven't been, like San Francisco.

GLD: It’s rumored that your UK festival tour will include extended dance/rave remixes of album cuts. Can we expect the same for the US tour?
LB: Yeah, we have a few edits of the songs to make them longer and a bit more club friendly. I’m sure we will keep them for the US.

GLD: With all the composing, the heavy tour schedule and album releases, how do you keep yourself sane?
LB: I really don't know. I try to make little trips away, even if they're just for a day. They’re really important as when it gets too much you have a goal to work towards. My boyfriend and family are really supportive as well.

GLD: Do you plan to continue posting on YouTube and Myspace, no matter how internationally successful you become?
LB: Yes of course – well, more my blog than Myspace, but it’s very important to me. It’s just a little more sporadic these days.

GLD: Any last words for those few US gays who don’t know you (yet) but are destined to fall in love with you?
LB: [laughs] Well, I love you already, so I hope you love me back!

You can catch Little Boots on the Illuminations tour this September in the US and Canada:
September 14, Wrongbar, Toronto
September 16, Bowery Bar, New York
September 17, Empty Bottle, Chicago
September 18, Roxy, LA
September 19, The Independent, San Francisco

The Illuminations EP is out in North America and available on iTunes

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Get a job:

The newest tool in the fight against unemployment is

All jobs listed on the site are short term, temporary positions or tasks that pay in small amounts, but can really add up if you’ve got a knack for freelancing.

Some are rather menial (adding websites to search engines) and some perhaps unethical (adding positive reviews to product list sites), but, as most sites we frequent, there are a few diamonds in the buff. - via Gay List Daily

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rainbows in your room

Want more rainbows in your life? Nab yourself the Rainbow in My Room Projector.The device projects a vibrant, full-colored rainbow across flat surfaces, and is activated by motion, rather than pesky buttons that can become hard to fumble with after a few cocktails.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Peaches: I Feel Cream

Electroclash queen Peaches has a new CD called 'I Feel Cream' and the boys from Gay List Daily rate the tracks:

'I Feel Cream' – the title track is our current favorite, and already annoying our neighbors;
'Billionaire' – classic nasty girl lyrics keep our list of pick up lines current;
'Talk To Me' – the rocker-meets-electro current single is an easy favorite;
'Trick or Treat' – Peaches singing about taking a trick home resonates with us for some odd reason;
'Mommy Complex' – Yes, we have a mommy complex, but the raw beats of this track make us wish we didn’t only fantasize about daddies.

'I Feel Cream' is available on iTunes and Amazon.