Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Gay Vegans: A New Day - The 2012 Election

By Dan Hanley

Mike and I were surrounded by friends, enjoying vegan tamales (with vegan mole!) and sangria at our election night party when we heard that Ohio had gone for the President and news organizations began calling the Presidential election for President Obama.

I was ecstatic.

And I still am. As we continued to watch the results that night and then also the next morning, it became clear that, based on our opinions, election night had produced some wonderful results:

President Barack Obama was re-elected. This was huge for us based on equality, women's rights, veteran care and the economy. It is great having a President who supports our marriage.

The Colorado State House became Democratic again. As of right now it is 38 to 27. What this means is that we are likely to have our first openly gay Speaker of the House in Colorado and any civil unions bill presented is sure to pass. The Republican house leadership has stopped it for a couple of years, even though there were enough votes for it to pass if it got to a floor vote.

Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay member of the US Senate, representing Wisconsin. I take issue with her past support of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and how that has affected animal activists, yet I am still happy for her. 

Gay marriage passed in Maine and Maryland. This means these states actually voted on whether to legalize gay marriage, and they both said YES! In Washington state, voters approved marriage equality as well, supporting a law signed by the governor earlier in the year.

An anti-gay amendment to the Minnesota constitution was defeated.

Our US Congressman, Ed Perlmutter, and our State Rep, Max Tyler, were both re-elected.

Amendment 64, which legalizes the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana in Colorado, passed. Even though political "leaders" were all against this, it passed. I am happy just for that, but also because I believe marijuana should be legalized (and the sale of it taxed). Too many people around the world die because of drugs being illegal.

In our county, Jefferson County, voters approved 3A and 3B which will raise tax revenues for our public schools.

Tea party scum in Indiana and Missouri were soundly defeated. I'm sure elsewhere too. It was a good night for religious extremists in this country.

Lots and lots of people voted. They waited forever in line to vote. They disputed being told they could not vote. They made sure their voice was going to be heard.

What was your favorite result of the election?

Before I close, I want to say thank you to our blog readers for putting up with our blogs written about the election. This election was just too important not to write about, or not to share who we supported and why. I'm sure it wasn't fun for all of our readers, but thanks for sticking with us and especially thanks for supporting us.

And thank you for reading this post!

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Gay Vegans: Why We Ask You to Vote for President Obama

By Dan Hanley

Mike and I voted today!

I am starting this post with a line from within the post. It's towards the end and I want to make sure that anyone who even browses this post will read it:

The simple reality is that for gay people and women (especially poor women), life will be much different under a Romney/Ryan administration than under President Obama.

I clearly remember the day Mike and I went to vote in 2008. I was ecstatic to vote for Barack Obama. Election night was a thrill.

There were a lot of promises. I have heard them before. People have been talking about ending the ban on gays in the military for a long time. That's just one example.

I believed that he would close Guantanamo. I believed he would work for equality. I believed that the economy would get better.

It all hasn't come to be. And I am once again ecstatic to go vote for President Obama. Because we have a ton of readers in several of the "toss up" states, I wanted to write a blog asking you to vote for President Obama.

There is a huge difference between the President and Mitt Romney, more so with social issues. There are many reasons why I am voting for President Obama and not Mitt Romney:

I believe the economy will get better with the President's continued leadership.

I believe we will not get involved with wars we cannot afford with President Obama.

I believe that President Obama honestly wants to make our education system stronger, that he believes in strong, vibrant, innovative public schools.

President Obama believes in equality and will not attack my family or my marriage.

I believe President Obama (and his wife!) truly are concerned for veterans and the care they receive after military service.

President Obama ended the ban on gays and lesbians in the military.

A vote for President Obama is a vote for tolerance (in many forms). A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for intolerance (in many forms).

I believe Mitt Romney is anti gay. His desire is to attack to my marriage by making it unconstitutional.

I believe Mitt Romney has no regard for women in regards to their own health and choices.

I believe Mitt Romney would cave to the religious zealots in our country.

Mitt Romney has said (when he was asked in Colorado) that he does not believe in civil unions for gays and lesbians if they (the civil unions) are "too close" to marriage.

Most of Mitt Romney's charitable giving was to the Mormon Church. The same church that funded Proposition 8 in California.

I believe that Mitt Romney seriously believes in what he said about the 47%.

I understand that many people support Mitt Romney for a variety of reasons and I also understand that many will disagree with my reasons. The simple reality is that for gay people and women (especially poor women), life will be much different under a Romney/Ryan administration than under President Obama. Not just different, Progress made towards equality will falter and the level of freedom for gay and lesbian people and for women will decrease.

I have heard from many people we know who want to vote for Romney, a third-party candidate or who will not vote at all. Please reconsider, and vote for President Obama. Your vote could mean the difference between an administration that fully supports equality and one that fully believes that gay people should not have equal rights (and that's putting it nicely).

Meanwhile, as we count down to election day, if we disagree let's disagree with love and kindness. There is a huge amount of vitriol out there and I know that me, Mike and our readers do not need to be a part of that.

Thank you for reading!

This post originally appeared on Dan Hanley's website The Gay Vegans. Republished with permission.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New survey from MileHighGayGuy shows Denver's gay community plans to vote for Obama

A new survey of readers and Denver's gay community provides information on the upcoming Presidential election, political affiliations, and the issues that are most important to gay voters in swing-state Colorado.

According to the survey, the vast majority of Denver's gay male voters identify as Democrat (76 percent) with only five percent identifying as Republican. Another fifteen percent of respondents identified as independent, unaffiliated, or as members of a third party such as Libertarian, Green, or Socialist.

As for the upcoming Presidential election, approximately 80 percent of respondents say they are voting for Obama. Five percent of respondents say they will be voting for Mitt Romney with fifteen percent either "undecided" or planning to vote for other candidates including Gary Johnson and Roseanne Barr.

Stay tuned for more survey results and coverage from Denver's gay community as the 2012 Presidential Election campaigns continue.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ask President Obama to protect millions of LGBT Americans from workplace discrimination

President Obama has an executive order on his desk that could protect millions of LGBT Americans from discrimination in the workplace -- but only if he signs it.
The order in question would require all federal contractors to extend non-discrimination and harassment protections for their LGBT employees. The order would cover about 16 million workers who don’t currently receive any discrimination or harassment protections for sexual orientation or gender identity.
Tico also knows that online petitions can make a big difference in cases like these: After a former employee of a major defense contractor, DynCorp, received a six-figure settlement for being called “f*ggot” and other slurs at work, Tico started a petition on urging DynCorp to adopt non-discrimination protections for LGBT employees. After more than 50,000 folks signed, DynCorp came through. 
The executive order on President Obama’s desk has already cleared key hurdles at the Departments of Labor and Justice. President Obama has already made great strides on issues like “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” -- now he could do so much more with just one stroke of his pen, and he needs to know how many people are counting on him.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

President Obama Commemorating World AIDS Day

On Thursday, December 1, World AIDS Day, President Obama will speak at an event hosted by the ONE Campaign and (RED), and others who have been so critical in the worldwide fight against AIDS.  The event, called “The Beginning of the End of AIDS,” will take place at George Washington University on Thursday morning. 

A candlelight vigil is planned in Denver on that day coordinated by Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains and other local organizations. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Quote of the Day: President Barack Obama

"While today's vote was disappointing, it must not be the end of our efforts. I urge the Senate to revisit these important issues during the lame duck session." - President Barack Obama, in a statement issued by the White House"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Will Obama support marriage equality in 2012?

With the ground shifting beneath him on the question of marriage rights for same-sex couples, President Barack Obama will have to evolve quickly on the issue if he is to win the ardent support of LGBT voters in the next presidential election, according to Richard Socarides, who once advised President Bill Clinton on LGBT issues. 

Obama recently told a blogger who asked about his current position on marriage, "Attitudes evolve, including mine."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Statement by President Obama on DOD Report on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

President Obama has just released the following statement on Don't Ask, Don't Tell following a recent report:

As Commander in Chief, I have pledged to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law because it weakens our national security, diminishes our military readiness, and violates fundamental American principles of fairness and equality by preventing patriotic Americans who are gay from serving openly in our armed forces.  At the same time, as Commander in Chief, I am committed to ensuring that we understand the implications of this transition, and maintain good order and discipline within our military ranks. That is why I directed the Department of Defense earlier this year to begin preparing for a transition to a new policy. 

Today’s report confirms that a strong majority of our military men and women and their families—more than two thirds—are prepared to serve alongside Americans who are openly gay and lesbian.  This report also confirms that, by every measure—from unit cohesion to recruitment and retention to family readiness—we can transition to a new policy in a responsible manner that ensures our military strength and national security. And for the first time since this law was enacted 17 years ago today, both the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have publicly endorsed ending this policy.

With our nation at war and so many Americans serving on the front lines, our troops and their families deserve the certainty that can only come when an act of Congress ends this discriminatory policy once and for all.  The House of Representatives has already passed the necessary legislation.  Today I call on the Senate to act as soon as possible so I can sign this repeal into law this year and ensure that Americans who are willing to risk their lives for their country are treated fairly and equally.  Our troops represent the virtues of selfless sacrifice and love of country that have enabled our freedoms. I am absolutely confident that they will adapt to this change and remain the best led, best trained, best equipped fighting force the world has ever known. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

President Obama Welcomes New HIV Prevention Research Results

Today, the National Institutes of Health announced findings on recent HIV prevention research.  The study finds that a daily dose of an oral antiretroviral drug taken by HIV-negative gay and bisexual men reduced the risk of acquiring HIV infection by 43.8 percent, and had even higher rates of effectiveness, up to 73 percent, among those participants who adhered most closely to the daily drug regimen.

“I am encouraged by this announcement of groundbreaking research on HIV prevention. While more work is needed, these kinds of studies could mark the beginning of a new era in HIV prevention. As this research continues, the importance of using proven HIV prevention methods cannot be overstated,” said President Obama.

One of the President’s top HIV/AIDS policy priorities was the development and implementation of a National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS), which was released in July 2010. As underlined in the NHAS, no HIV prevention method is 100 percent effective, and a combination of approaches including, among other steps, consistent condom use, will be necessary to prevent HIV infection.  Nevertheless, the research results announced this past summer of an effective microbicide and today’s results fall directly in line with priority recommendations in the NHAS.  Moreover, today’s study suggests that antiretroviral medication may serve as one more valuable tool as we seek to develop the best combinations of effective approaches to prevent HIV infection.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Obama sez: Don't wake up to Senator Buck!

Writing for Daily Kos, Joan McCarter reports that President Obama is urging Colorado voters to support Michael Bennet in his Senate race against Ken "Homosexuals Are Like Alcoholics" - Buck saying, "don't wake up Nov. 3 to a Sen. Ken Buck...."

I'm heading out to vote now.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Obama claims his presidency is the most gay supportive in history

President Barack Obama told progressive bloggers his attitude about marriage equality may be evolving.

"I think that it is an issue that I wrestle with and think about because I have a whole host of friends who are in gay partnerships. I have staff members who are in committed, monogamous relationships, who are raising children, who are wonderful parents. And I care about them deeply," Obama said.

Obama also rejected the idea that the LGBT community should be disappointed in his administration, listing accomplishments that he said make his presidency the most LGBT-supportive in history.

Do you believe him?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Books: Obama and the Gays

'Obama and the Gays: A Political Marriage' is a new book by long-time Chicago-based journalist Tracy Baim. The book presents an in- depth look at Obama's trajectory on gay issues.
Baim, co-founder of Windy City Times newspaper, has compiled documents, photos, and interviews with Obama for a close look at how his views on LGBT issues have changed over the years, as well as the accomplishments and stumbles of his presidential administration. In the first book ever published on this important topic, Baim is joined by some of the most respected LGBT journalists, bloggers, and activists from around the US.
The book includes articles by Chuck Colbert, Lisa Keen, Karen Ocamb, Bob Roehr and others; essays by Wayne Besen, Sean Cahill, John D'Emilio, Kerry Eleveld, Rod McCullom, the Reverend Irene Monroe, Michelangelo Signorile, Pam Spaulding, Timothy Stewart-Winter, Andrew Tobias, and Phill Wilson; and dozens of interviews with Chicago and national gay movement leaders. Senior editors are Toni Armstrong Jr., Jorjet Harper and William B. Kelley.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Statement by the President on National HIV Testing Day

The following statement has just been released by President Obama on National HIV Testing Day:

This Sunday is National HIV Testing Day, an occasion to raise awareness of the steps each of us can take as individuals to fight HIV/AIDS. As we mark this day, I would like to renew my call for all Americans to help reduce the risk of infection by getting tested for HIV and learning their HIV status. One in five Americans who are currently living with HIV-- more than 230,000 people -- do not know their status. The majority of HIV infections are spread by those who are unaware that they have the disease. And research shows that people who know their status take better care of themselves and take steps to reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to others. That is why it is so important that people get tested.

In recent years, we have made huge advances in HIV research, prevention and care. Still, HIV and AIDS remains an epidemic in this country. That is why my Administration is launching in the coming days a comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy focused on reducing new HIV infections, increasing access to care, and reducing HIV-related health disparities. But government cannot address this important issue alone. We need the commitment of businesses, churches and faith groups, philanthropic organizations, the scientific and medical communities, educational institutions and others. And all of us have a responsibility to reduce our risk and know our status, to continue to support those already affected by this disease, and to fight the stigma and discrimination people still face. So on this National HIV Testing Day, let us all recommit to do our part to help stop the spread of HIV and AIDS.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Examining Obama's relationship with gay media

Better than Bush, but good enough?: Journalists take stock of Obama White House’s relationship with LGBT media
by Chuck Colbert

A year ago, President Barack Obama hosted a Gay Pride reception in the East Room of the White House, an event attended by 300 invitees, including representatives from LGBT media, both as guests and working press.

But make no mistake. That White House celebration, while paying tribute to the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, was also an exercise in LGBT media and gay community damage control. For the first six months, the president exerted little effort to advance LGBT rights. Increasingly, LGBT activists grew impatient, voicing dismay with Obama and his party for their inertia on everything from the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) to that of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

For some, dismay gave way to anger, which finally erupted all over the blogosphere. A flashpoint occurred on June 11, 2009, when Obama’s Justice Department filed a legal brief defending DOMA, causing gay activist and blogger John Aravosis ( to go ballistic, his scathing criticisms flying all over cyberspace as Facebook and Twitter amplified the outrage.

The president’s remarks at last year’s Gay Pride celebration helped to mitigate some of the anger. “I know that many in this room don't believe that progress has come fast enough,” Obama said, according to Lisa Keen, chief correspondent of Keen News Services, who reported on the president’s comments in LGBT publications nationwide. At the same time, the president urged the gay community to judge him “not by the promises I’ve made, but by the promises that my administration keeps.”

Later on in October, the president made much the same appeal to the LGBT community in his keynote remarks – covered widely by LGBT media – at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual black-tie dinner in Washington, D.C., held on the eve of the National Equality March.

Mindful of some progress between then and now, what can be said of the Obama administration’s relationship with LGBT media? What about gay journalists’ access to White House officials to ask questions about issues of importance to the community? And what kind of a job does the White House think LGBT media are doing?

Read more after the jump.

“My overall impression is that [Obama] treats gay media the way he’s treating the gay community,” said Keen. “He’s keeping us at a stiff arm’s distance, not saying to go away or leave me alone, but to stand back over there at some distance. ‘I’m going to do what I can for you. I am not against you. I know you have needs. [Still,] I’ll come to you when I want to say something.’”

Kerry Eleveld, the Advocate’s Washington correspondent, offered additional insight. “I get the sense that the Obama administration came [into office] with a certain approach to the media,” she said, “which is getting their message directly to people without making news through traditional media and to some extent bypassing them.”

Relying on technology, that approach enables the White House to tap into its vast network of e-mail supporters and donors, numbering in the millions, through targeted e-mail blasts, social networking contacts, and cell phone text messages.

Eleveld was the only gay-press journalist to conduct a sit-down, face-to-face interview with then-candidate Obama (an exclusive posted April 10, 2008, on Eleveld still "gets a sense" that Obama officials "respond to pressure even if it's not as far as people wanted [him to go] or wasn't [soon] enough," she said. At critical junctures, the media pressing is "likely to get a response. That was true during the campaign and is true today."

For his part, Mark Segal, the publisher of Philadelphia Gay News (PGN), sums up Obama's gay media relationship with one word. "Fair," Segal said, "in the sense that he has credentialed members of gay media at his news conferences, and LGBT questions get asked during the briefings. People are invited to all his stops wherever he goes." In other words, Obama "does outreach," said Segal. "That never happened that I know of during Bush or Clinton.”

Shortly after his nomination, Segal interviewed Obama over the telephone (Sept. 16, 2008). PGN posted an audio version on its website. The Gay History Project provided written transcripts for publication in weekly LGBT publications across the country.

"I think my disappointment," Segal said, "is with LGBT media for not looking at the written word, or in this case spoken word, of Barack Obama," pointing to the point in the interview when Obama said that he "would not" end the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy by attaching a signing order to a military appropriations bill, the way President Bush used such an order to change military rules and regulations.

"The reason,” said Obama at the time, "is because I want to make sure that when we revert [DADT], it's gone through a process, and we've built in a consensus or at least clarity of what my expectations are, so that it works." Obama also said that "working through a process" would ensure "getting the Joint Chiefs of Staff clear in terms of what our priorities are going to be."

For Segal, those comments provided early insight into how would-be President Obama would dismantle the now 17-year-old ban, which is both federal law and military policy. "Looking back at this interview," Segal said, "Obama's doing everything he said he would do," pointing to Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ Pentagon working group's process report due by Dec. 1.

"One the other hand," said Segal, "some journalists and bloggers are expecting him to do something that he didn't say he would do," referring to calls for a moratorium or issuing a "stop/loss" order to halt discharging gay service members for "homosexual conduct."

Nonetheless, opportunistic is how Washington Blade editor Kevin Naff characterized the president’s rapport with LGBT media. “He interacts with us when he needs us, when it’s politically expedient,” said Naff, who was quick to point out some bright spots. “There are certain people in the administration who are absolutely terrific,” he said, naming for example Shin Inouye, a media specialty director for LGBT outlets. “Shin is not only responsive but also proactive. He gives us tips all the time, things that are coming up, things that we might find interesting." Naff acknowledged that other gay officials within the administration “are very responsive, helpful, and have facilitated terrific access. There are others who are not. It depends on the person.”

On one point, everybody agrees. The contrast between the Obama White House and that of George W. Bush is as different as night and day. “We were completely frozen out,” explained Naff. When Bush officials revoked press access for LGBT media, for example, “it made it exceedingly difficult to get information.”

There is also agreement on another point. LGBT journalists and publishers all feel very strongly that President Obama ought to speak directly to the gay community by granting interviews with LGBT media outlets, as he has already done for other minority groups, including Native Americans, Hispanics, and African Americans, through their specialty media.

But just when and if the president’s LGBT media interviews happen is anybody’s guess.

“I have no updates on what specific interviews the president will conduct during his time in office,” said the White House’s Inouye in an e-mail. “Generally speaking, I think the LGBT media have done a good job of covering what is happening in Washington." In some instances, however, “Coverage of the steps the president has taken that don’t require legislative action are not given the same level of coverage as the steps that require changes to the law. I think the community – and the media – need to understand we’re making progress with every step we take.” 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Obama: Anti-gay Ugandan bill "odious"

This morning, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke out against the pending anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda at the 58th National Prayer Breakfast. Hosted by members of Congress and sponsored by the Fellowship Foundation, otherwise known as The Family, the breakfast was attended by foreign leaders, U.S. government officials and invited guests. The breakfast has been attended by every president since President Eisenhower, and takes place annually in Washington, DC.
During his address, President Obama stated that it is unconscionable, at home or abroad, to target lesbians and gays for who they are. Moreover, he described the Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill as “odious.” Secretary Clinton stated that she has spoken to President Musseveni of Uganda about the despicable nature of the pending legislation. In addition, she ensured breakfast attendees that her Department will continue to address international human rights violations of lesbians and gays.

Monday, October 5, 2009

President Barack Obama to deliver HRC Dinner keynote

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, announced today that President Barack Obama will deliver the keynote address at the 13th Annual National Dinner on Saturday, October 10th, in Washington, D.C. U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy will also present the first-ever Edward M. Kennedy National Leadership Award to Judy and Dennis Shepard. The award is named in honor of the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), a champion in the fight for LGBT equality.

“We are honored to share this night with President Obama, who has called upon our nation to embrace LGBT people as brothers and sisters,” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. “It is fitting that he will speak to our community on the night that we pay tribute to his friend and mentor Senator Edward Kennedy, who knew that as president, Barack Obama would take on the unfinished business of this nation – equal rights for the LGBT community, and for every person who believes in liberty and justice for all.”

Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama issues Presidential Proclamation in honor of Gay Pride Month

Saying that "LGBT Americans have made, and continue to make, great and lasting contributions that continue tostrengthen the fabric of American society," President Obama has issues an official proclamation in honor of June being LGBT Pride Month in the United States.

He goes on to say he is proud to be the first President to appoint openly LGBT candidates to Senate-confirmed positions in the first 100 days of an Administration and that he supports measures "to bring the full spectrum of equal rights to LGBT Americans."

See the official proclamation for yourself after the jump.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Obama 'committed to changing' Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Sandy Tsao is a Chinese American Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, based in Missouri, who had made the brave decision to live openly as a gay woman and decided to meet with her commanding officer to share the news, even though she was aware that the conversation would cause an end to her service.

She wrote a letter to President Obama, pleading for him to repeal the military ban so she can continue to serve her country. And the President wrote her back in a handwritten letter.

In it, President Obama wrote that he is "committed to changing our current policy."

It might take some time, but it looks like Don't Ask, Don't Tell is on the way out. - via GLAAD

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

President Obama announces a new name and mission for the former Office of Public Liaison

President Obama today announced a new name and a new mission for the White House office charged with dealing most closely with the American people. The Office of Public Liaison is now the Office of Public Engagement. OPE, along with the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, will serve as the front door to the White House through which ordinary Americans can participate and inform the work of the President.

The current leadership will remain to carry out the new mission and includes Valerie Jarrett, Senior Adviser to the President, Christina M. Tchen, Director of OPE; and Michael Strautmanis Chief of Staff to the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Relations and Public Engagement. Additional staff and issue areas can be viewed at the OPE website at

More information after the jump.

In a video announcement about OPE, President Obama said, “This office will seek to engage as many Americans as possible in the difficult work of changing this country, through meetings and conversations with groups and individuals held in Washington and across the country.”

OPE will help build relationships with Americans by increasing their meaningful engagement with the federal government. Serving as the front door to the White House, OPE will allow ordinary Americans to offer their stories and ideas regarding issues that concern them and share their views on important topics such as health care, energy and education.

In addition to its traditional White House operations, OPE will now also focus on getting information from the American people outside the Washington beltway through special public events as well as activities on the web site. The office will have a strong on-line presence, including blog postings from OPE staff and other interactive elements.

Since the beginning of the Administration, OPE has served a large role in developing White House outreach efforts whether it is a meeting with national innovators in the White House, a community health forum in Michigan or a town hall meeting in California.

The President also announced the release of the Citizens’ Briefing Book – the culmination of a project begun during the transition, and an example of the innovative ways the office will execute its new mission. In January, everyday Americans submitted their best ideas for dealing with some of the nation’s toughest issues. Visitors to the transition website ranked each idea and also had the opportunity to provide comments. The results can be viewed at