Showing posts with label gay superheroes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gay superheroes. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012

10 Gay Fictional Badasses

The Mary Sue has come up with an interesting list of 10 of the most "badass" gay and lesbian fictional characters from the worlds of comic books and sci-fi.

That's Ultimate Colossus at left, btw.

Whaddya think?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wolverine Jr. is bisexual?

Over in the X-Men comic books, it seems that Wolverine's son Daken is the latest in an ever-growing line of LGBT superheroes/villains (link NSFW).

Friday, July 3, 2009

Shatterstar and Rictor as they were meant to be

Shatterstar and Rictor are two superheroes who've been around since the late '80s. They were originally supposed to be gay for each other but Marvel got cold feet (like they did with Mystique and Destiny) and the two just ended up as friends ... very close friends. They went their separate ways for quite a while but they have recently reunited in the pages of X-Factor where it looks like they're going to be making up for lost time. - via Heroes 'N Hunks (site NSFW).