Showing posts with label Utah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Utah. Show all posts

Monday, February 7, 2011

Utah to outlaw gay?

A pair of bills introduced by Utah state Rep. LaVar Christensen (pictured right), a Republican, could outlaw arrangements such as medical directives between same-sex couples and restrict LGBT families from state government programs

"If that is how it is construed, then this would have implications for a great number of Utahns," said Brandie Balken, executive director of Equality Utah.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Utah Transit Authority is now the Porn Police

The Utah Transit Authority has an ordinance that makes viewing "porn" while using their free Wi-Fi illegal and leaves people found guilty of this crime subject to fines of hundreds of dollars.

According to this article in XBIZ (site NSFW)"enforcement would be done by a transit police officer, who would issue the citation on the spot."

So what counts as porn and what doesn't?

Can you get busted for watching a movie that shows two men kissing? What about looking at an online underwear catalog?

Are these transit police officers going to be able to sieze your computer or make you show them what you're watching/doing on your own computer?


Monday, March 2, 2009

You'll never guess who's into porn (maybe you will)

I knew it! The most conservative states are the biggest porn hogs, with Utah (no gay marriage for you, even if you don't live in our state) being the biggest consumer. I love this part the best:

"States where a majority of residents agreed with the statement "I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage," bought 3.6 more subscriptions per thousand people than states where a majority disagreed. A similar difference emerged for the statement "AIDS might be God's punishment for immoral sexual behavior."

I wonder how much of that porn is gay porn? That's another study I'd like to see--especially from Utah.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Colorado next to last for stimulus aid

Good news and bad news.

The good news is that Colorado isn't as bad off economically as a lot of other states.

The bad news is that it means that we're second-to-last in the country in terms of how much aid we'll receive from Obama's stimulus package.

But I wonder why Obama came to Colorado to sign a stimulus bill that puts us 49th out of 50 states as far as aid we will receive?

Why didn't he go to the very bottom--Utah--to sign it?

I guess Utah doesn't need the money because they have all those rich Mormons there who are able to spend millions of dollars fighting same-sex marriage in other states.