Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ask Eric Anything: I Cheated. Now What?

Ask Eric Anything's Eric Kehela (left) enjoys being a full time life enthusiast with a zest for the finer things in life which include positive thinking and manifesting a wonderful day each day; he is multilingual and holds a BA in Speech Communications from San Francisco State University and is pursuing an MS in Professional Counseling

With a passion for writing and performing, Eric uses his honed skills and intuition to guide, communicate and connect with the people around him. 

The best advice he can give is, “Grow from light and always find truth within you. Reach for the galaxies, shoot beyond the stars and always aim with your heart.”

Dear Ask Eric Anything,

I recently reconnected with someone I knew and had feelings for years ago via Facebook (I'll call him John) and it has stirred up a lot of emotions within myself. I have a husband and we have been married for a long time but I just don't think I'm in love with him anymore. Our relationship is safe and comfortable but there's no passion and very little sex. I do have passionate feelings for John and I did end up cheating on my husband with him and the sex was very, very good. I feel like I'm trapped in my current relationship and want to get out but John says he will not consider dating me as long as I'm still with my husband. It might sound crazy but I literally cannot bring myself to make a decision about what to do. What is your advice?

Devastated in Denver

Dear Devastated in Denver,

Why ruin what you have and sever your connection by cheating?

Spice up your marriage and relationship by reinvigorating your connection to each other. You possess everything you require and desire in your marriage, so you have no reason to look elsewhere. Take a trip or a romantic tropical cruise for two to reignite the passion you share for each other.

It seems as though you checked out of your marriage without consulting your husband. Reevaluate your actions, choices, decisions and whom you affect in the process.

If you believe your marriage to be mainly rooted in passion and sex you are mistaken. A marriage is a partnership, relationship and a mutual love for one another, not a 365 day sex-escapade.

What your marriage lacks is communication, compassion and trust. Take the time to look within yourself and reflect on the marriage you are blessed with; you must know that although John may provide you with fun times, heat and perhaps laughter whilst rekindling the old-flame, you are indeed promised to another.

What you need to do is put John on hold and look at what you have in front of you: a husband who vowed to love you unconditionally. Remember why it is you fell in love with the man you have before you, and why you said, “I do.” If you put the same excitement, effort and passion into your marriage you will get what you put-out (pun-intended). It would be best for you to communicate effectively without using pronouns as I or you in reference to casting blame. Speak from your heart not your head, as logic and love do not mix well. Your husband picked you as you did him, so be a man, and take-care of your best friend; as cliché as it sounds, it does take two.

Closing your heart to your husband is the cause of you feeling trapped in your marriage, thus causing the desire to escape. If you open up to your husband-–tears and all, and listen to him and how he feels, you may end up having the best sex that night! Be honest, open and sincere. Do not use superficial and antagonistic approaches which only serve the ego. Sit silently without thinking about anything, and just look into his eyes with your heart. Feel his love for you; see how you are golden in his eyes, true love never dies. Appreciate him and tell him you do.

As for John, you need to release him and honor your current marriage. Only you can decide what is best for you; however, be mindful of this very important question: Can John guarantee you years to come? Honor your marriage and your marriage will honor you.